Sunday 23 October 2011

and then...

                                                             FNALLY,,,  end of product..TQ..


                                 then,i put the picture of HBP building and doing some explaination

                                                   more info about resource centre in E40 block



I'm choosing information concept.simple information about HBP building,but more info of resource centre.

Project 6 is beginning:-
                                                  sketching of HBP map

Monday 17 October 2011

i'm try to show my feeling when i'm sleeping in my lovely u can see,i'm very happy,satisfied and very grateful as i can be at such comfortable room.sometime,i got nice dream but not nightmare:)
                                             STEP 6-drying the mask using hair dryer
                                                           STEP 7-paint the mask

end of product..the completed mask!

                                        STEP 4-put on wet tissues again as 3rd layer

                                            STEP 5-last layer is by using white paper

                                       STEP 2-to make 1st layer,put on wet tissues and glue it

                                   STEP 3-put newspaper as 2nd layer,make it small pieces


In this project,we are asked to produce our selfmask.The mask must show our expression or feeling when we are at a space or place.

Materials used: 1-tissues
                            2-old newspapers
                            3-a4 white paper
                            5-a piece of plastic
                            6-water colour

                                                         STEP 1-put on plastic on face


Sunday 16 October 2011

2.lukisan 'axonometric'

                                                             project 4b had finished,,tQ sir!
                                                           -pandangan sisi kanan

                                                                  -pandangan sisi kiri

                                                   -pandangan belakang

                                                     -pandangan hadapan


Saturday 15 October 2011


Tugasan seterusnya adalah menghaslkan lukisan 'ortographic' dan 'axonometric'.ia berdasarkan arca dalam project 4a.

1.lukisan ortografik

                                                       -pandangan atas


Monday 10 October 2011

Saya m'gambarkan sebahagian arca di sebelah adalah sebagai  sistem solar yg menyimpan tenaga solar bg m'gantikan tenaga elektrik.Dengan itu kita dpt m'jimatkan p'gunaan tenaga elektrik dalam negara khususnya.

serba sedikit ttg p'hasilan arca saya:

       warna hijau-saya cuba m'gambarkan alam sekitar yg segar yg perlu dkekalkan utk 
                            kepentingan generasi akan datang.
bangunan yg terbuka-melaluinya saya ingin menerangkan                         
                                     bahawa bangunan lestari tanpa  
                                     m'gunakan penghawa dingin 
                                     akan dpt mengurangkan risiko penipisan     
                                     lapisan ozon.
                                    -keadaan bangunan yg terbuka akan    
                                     membenarkan pengaliran udara.


      Bagi projek 4a,saya m'hasilkan arca b'dsrkan kpd kelestarian dan inilah hasilnya


Monday 3 October 2011

                                                        ..project 3b finished..

   three-point perspective drawing based on plan view..


    After project 3a has been submitted,we are asked to do project 3b.It is about perspective drawing based on our model on project 3a.Perspective drawing include 1,2 or 3-point perspective and it depend on observer.

    First,i'm choosing either 1,2 or 3-point perspective that i want to draw.But then,i choose only 2 and 3 point perspective through plan and side view and start drawing...     

                                 two-point perspective drawing based on side view..